Sunday, June 7, 2009

Delete: Relationship People

You know who you are: The girl/guy that has the compulsive need to ALWAYS be in a relationship, disappearing off the face of the earth during these periods of romantic dystopia.

Though common but not required, relationship people date other relationship people so that eventually the rest of society considers the couple something of a conjoined twin rather than separate entities...this type of relational duo is colloquially known as a 'Delete Couple'.

Don't make friends with this type of person folks, because chances are, they are only hanging out with you during the interim low period in their endless search for a spouse. As soon as that boyfriend comes along this type of person may as well be dead, because you will never see them again without their parasitic tumor (significant other)....

People, there is no need to fear the single life, it is OK to be alone... I mean look at me, I haven't experienced human social interaction in years! and LOOK IM COMPLETELY NORMALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl$&*@#$^%


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