Monday, June 22, 2009

Delete: Genital Herpes Commercials

It's dinner time. As I sit down to eat, I turn on the news to see what's going on in the world, as many of us usually do. About to take a bite into my perfectly constructed roast beef sandwich, "I have genital herpes" blaring from multiply voices as the commercial for Valtex comes on...somehow this sandwich is no longer appetizing.

It seems that Valtrex and medications for other various venereal ailments are most advertised during prime time television viewing hours. A swift kick in the ass after a long work day. The last thing anyone wants to hear is that most people have genital herpes, got it from their partner, and as their crotch area is festering away they are not even aware of the POTENTIALLY SEVERE CONSEQUENCES to the result of their sexual irresponsibilities.

The people I feel most sorry for are the sorry bastards that actually opt to be a part of these godforsaken advertisements. I imagine this conversation between aspiring Los Angeles actors:

"Waiter/Actor #1: ...Yeah, I have been talking to my agent, but prospects are looking grim for being cast in anything substancial.
Waiter/Actor #2: Actually, I was in a commercial recently. It's no big deal but they run it on prime time shows, CNN, you know... I get some good visibility.
#1: Really!? That's Great! What for?!
#2: *whispers under breath* ..Valtrex.
Valtrex? What? I couldn't hear you..
oh MAN! hahahaha no WONDER you haven't landed a date in the past 6 months!"
Poor bastards. And then you wonder, do the people in these commercials actually suffer from herpes? or were they just desperate enough to take the first job that fell in between their legs?

The artistic flare that comes along with these commericals is an attempt to mask the true misfortune behind the advertisement's message. I wish they would address the elephant in the living room, rather than trying to cover it with black/white filters and cunningly artistic editing techniques.

I'd appreciate a more honest approach: "IF YOU HAVE HERPES AND LIFE IS GETTING YOU DOWN, take VALTREX and maybe people will trust your sexual judgement and sleep with you once again!"


Delete: Fair People

It's summertime, 'tis the season for sunbathing, beachgoing, shopping, and maybe even starting that damn diet you've been promising to yourself for the past decade. For some however, the summer marks the beginning of the much anticipated fair season!

Gosh, your local county fair! What a great way to support your community, see the sights, and maybe even get your handwriting analyzed by a real live psychic!

...For those of us that slide above the lowest common denominator of society, the county fair ignites psychosomatic reactions of full body chills, nausea, and moral fear. For everyone else, congradulations, you may fit the criteria of fair person.

For fair folk: What could be more fun than walking amongst the morbidly obese, paying nauseatingly high prices to ride death defying "we-constructed-this-in-a-matter-of-minutes" rollercoasters, and spending your life savings to win your girlfriend that oversized Spongebob with uncompromised determination?

To help your fearlessly expanding waistline, the fair provides all kinds of delicious deep-fried foods to accelerate the natural selection process. Deep fried oreos, chocolate bars, coca-cola, and twinkies. For those of you who aren't erotically attracted to the battered goods, make your way over to the "FULL ROASTED ANIMAL CARCASS" so you can walk around making homage to your caveman ancestors.

What's that, your girlfriend is 6 months pregnant with what may or may not be your child? That's ok, she can wait at the "Tilt-a-Whirl" exit, cheering you on while you empty the contents of your stomach with machine gun-like projection.

Though California is billions of dollars in debt, how could we skip the summer fair tradition for say, something more socially useful.

If you are a fair person, continue eating yourself into oblivion and handing your life savings over to the toothless wonders at the horseshoe side-show. Keep at it and they might even include you in the "World's Largest Cow" exhibit!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Delete: Elitist Foodies

America loves to eat, but the various ways that we express our love for sustenance never ceases to amaze me. With the help of the Food Network, gourmet food driven publications, and the increasing hype of the restaurant scene, a new breed of food lover has emerged, the elitist foodie.

Though these terms can be mutually exclusive, the elitist foodie is recognizable immediately upon first impression. These are the folks that will spend obscene amounts of money to eat at only the most reviewed and expensive restaurants, that feel that their compulsive obsessions with the food network and Gourmet magazine have accredited them with a certified culinary expertise.

"Waiter:...Welcome to Chili's..
Elitist Foodie #1: *fake British accent* You know, I think you should really consider adding caramelized truffle oil with beluga caviar to your menu. It is the best way to up the reputation of any restaurant.
Elitist Foodie #2: I completely agree, what a great business tip dear!
Waiter:*blinks in silence*."

What happened to appreciating food that tastes good? Plain and simple?

And don't even bother ordering something normal off of the menu when you are out to dinner with this type of person, because chances are they are going to judge you for your inferior meal choice, ultimately establishing some kind of awkward digestive hierarchy that will come through in conversation throughout the duration of the meal.

A consolation to us members of the 'lower class', people like this will eat anything if you tell them it's rare and expensive. You could sell them a flaming bag of shit if was advertised as "Merde A Flambe".


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Delete: MTV's Next

It's Friday afternoon, with nothing to do I turn on the tube and flip through the channels coming only to the 6 hr Next marathon on MTV. The concept seems entertaining enough, 5 boys/girls get on a bus only to be rejected by some cretin who has been empowered to decide with whom to romantically swap venereal diseases.

"Lyke Hi I'm KATRINA I'm 19 And I'm not gonna get nexted because with these tits, no one will notice my herpes!"

While one person is off the Next bus trying to win over the man/woman of his/her dreams, the rest of the players are stuck on the bus...bored...lonely...horny. Ultimately the bus situation turns into a semi-erotic soft-core porn situation, where everyone is daring each other to tongue kiss, or play with Katrina's prosthetic nipples.

Who the hell writes the dialogue for this show? I'd like to shake his hand, and then you know, give him a good beating. And why does everything rhyme? And why does every douche bag on this show seem like the archetypal illustration of every man from Orange County? And why am I still watching this?

Like a contagious infection this show somehow always finds itself onto our television sets. Don't lie, you love watching life on the Next bus.. now pardon me while I pop some more anti-depressants.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Delete: Expensive Cupcakes

Ah yes, we have entered a new age, one of pets dressed in designer clothes, diamond encrusted cell-phone covers, and of course, haute cupcakes...yes I actually just used the word haute to describe what was once a humble dessert.

You want to be trendy? Want to be accepted by all the cool kids at Beverly Hills High? Then I have your secret! Spend over $5 on a CUPCAKE so that the world can see how disposable your wealth is. People actually line up for this shit! Why don't you just take your money and rip it up into tiny little pieces to use as seasoning on your next meal?

"Wife: Look Honey, I just bought two dozen sprinkles cupcakes made with imported Madagascar Vanilla and Chocolate from the high peaks of the Himilayas for our puppy's birthday! And what a steal they only cost $3,000 dollars!
Husband: *chokes on rare coffee blend from Sudan*"
I don't care that these cupcakes are more expensive because of their yup-tastic flavor combinations and exotic imported ingredients. Why are cupcakes being taken seriously as an epicurean phenomenon!? It's a fucking CUPCAKE for christ's sake, you know the ones you made with granny on rainy days to bring to your kindergarten teacher?

Looking at the Sprinkles website, they actually have a chai latte cupcake. *throws up in mouth*

What's next? Couture breakfast cereal?


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Delete: NYSE Opening Bell Ceremony

Watching the morning (mourning) news has become something of a ritual for many hardworking American men and women. We love our daily dose of positive news at the crack of dawn: the most recent terrorist attacks, kitten rescues, and strange domestic murder cases provide us with just the right attitude to face our 9-5 cubicle jobs.

THEN, like a swift kick in the ass, they broadcast that DAMN opening bell ceremony at the NYSE. Aww, look at all those corporate douchebags celebrating their financial fortitude, clapping away at the growing gap between their top 1% and the poor fucks that actually have to WORRY about healthcare!

A hypothetical conversation between two of the folks up there on the opening bell stage:
"Corporate Douche 1: ah yes Janice, another glorious day here on Wallstreet! My you look fabulous in that red business suit, what I could do to that fine a-*bell rings* oh there's the bell! do clap, do clap
Janice: *while applauding* Oh no! Look at all those negative numbers up there on the board! Guess I'll have to reschedule that Brazilian wax.....haha just kidding! That's what America's tax dollars are for!"
*awkward pause* So what should the viewer be celebrating while watching this ABSOLUTE MOCKERY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE?! Your new homeforclosure, your inability to afford good healthcare, the new episode of "Paris Hilton's new B.F.F." oh wait you can't afford cable anymore, nevermind.

We will be avenged.

That's right G.M., you are just one of many big stwong corporations that has gotten the big FLUSH.

So keep clapping NYSE, you can laugh all the way to the bank, until you realize that the bank has been closed and someone like Madoff played you for FOOLS. FOOOOOOOOLS.

Stop celebrating, Party's over!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Delete: Pretentious Hippies

Picture yourself enjoying a nice cup of coffee and reading the daily paper at your local Starbucks...Everything is fine and grand until suddenly you are bombarded by some leftist asshole who feels compelled to tell you that every sip of coffee you're drinking is single-handedly destroying the third world. "Is that coffee free-trade and organic? I don't think so. Do you know how many poor Nicaraguans were taken advantage of just so you can presumptuously drink that mug of coffee sir?"

NO, I didn't realize that my caffeine addiction had that kind of social power! My GOD! I'm king of the world!

Where did all the real hippies go? You know, the ones that were all about free sex and drugs, those were the good kind. Now a new breed of this liberal bunch has formed, the pretentious hippies. Pretentious hippies only associate with people that rise to their smug level, appreciating the smell of their own flatulence, driving hybrid cars, and screaming at conservatives for ruining the world.

Pretentious hippies? Chill the fuck out. You are a walking oxymoron.


Delete: Collagen Lip Injections

Who wakes up in the morning and thinks, "hmm, you know? I'd like to get some fat taken out of my ass and injected into my face!!"

Living close to Newport Beach, I come face to...lip with these degenerates on a regular basis. I don't care if your lips are as thin as an anorexic supermodel, the alternative makes you look like the missing link between duck and human, you're an EVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After working in multiple restaurants where these big lipped beasts frequently dine, I have learned to decipher their native tongue. "Cub you pweaze bwing some bubbwy wader?" Simply means "could you please bring some bubbly water?" And so forth..

If you have an ugly face, no need to resort to surgery.. Just find someone loving and caring who loves you for YOU... Unless of course your personality has absolutely no redeeming features, then I guess you probably should just get the surgery.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Delete: Relationship People

You know who you are: The girl/guy that has the compulsive need to ALWAYS be in a relationship, disappearing off the face of the earth during these periods of romantic dystopia.

Though common but not required, relationship people date other relationship people so that eventually the rest of society considers the couple something of a conjoined twin rather than separate entities...this type of relational duo is colloquially known as a 'Delete Couple'.

Don't make friends with this type of person folks, because chances are, they are only hanging out with you during the interim low period in their endless search for a spouse. As soon as that boyfriend comes along this type of person may as well be dead, because you will never see them again without their parasitic tumor (significant other)....

People, there is no need to fear the single life, it is OK to be alone... I mean look at me, I haven't experienced human social interaction in years! and LOOK IM COMPLETELY NORMALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl$&*@#$^%


Delete: Doggie Dress-up

This is something I will never understand, why do people feel compelled to spend obscene amounts of money to dress up their domestic animals?

What you must understand is that dressing up your dog will not mask its hideousness. Not only does it make the poor animal even more ugly than it already is, but it seriously ups the level of your douchbaggery to the unacceptable degree.

"Lyke OMG, how cayooot is my dog! I bought him this new JUICY jumpsuit and now we lyke MATCH!" ....Do you really want to look more like your dog than you already do?

Buying outfits for you dog does not up your social status, it simply increases your Delete-ability, making you one of the most obnoxious indivuduals in existence.

Though your dog's intellect may match your own, by no means do you have to emphasize this by purchasing outfits for it.

Delete you, and your god forsaken animal.

Delete: Non-fat Sugar Free Vanilla Latte People

Being a former Starbucks employee*, there is nothing worse than the brand of person with a tyrannical dictator's sense of entitlement that STRICTLY orders a non-fat sugar-free vanilla latte and/or a frappuccino lite.

Let me just tell you something, a bit of truth from the Starbucks Barista Society, when you order one of these seemingly guiltless beverages, the chances of you actually getting the non-fat sugar-free version are slim to none. ESPECIALLY if you are one of the types with a horrendous attitude, humongous plastic additions to your skeletal frame, botox injections, and enough hair extensions to support Locks of Love into the next decade. Delete.

You really want to watch your waistline? Order a shot of espresso, or you know, take up that meth addiction you've always wanted. Do yourself and the rest of the world a favor and improve your attitude, no one wants to interact with you. and another bit of advice, don't fuck with people that are preparing your food, this type of high-risk behavior may lead to extreme abdominal discomfort and/or diarrhea.

If you are a man (pumped up on 'roids and fake tanner) and order this beverage, you are a disgrace to society. Go back to the Jersey Shore.

*keep in mind, my resent for this type of person has much to do with the fact that the Starbucks location I worked for was in the heart of Newport Beach: materialistic, superficial, silicon delight.


Delete: Counterproductive Anti-Marjiuana PSAs

So, between talking dogs and sitting on Pete's couch for 11 hours, I begin to wonder what kind of pot these people are smoking....and where I can get some for myself...

It seems that these ads have really taken a turn for the worse with their approach. First it was, don't smoke marijuana kids, its a dangerous drug that makes you violent and unpredictable.
Now it's, hey kids don't smoke weed or you'll be sitting on the couch in some person's basement until your old and senile, talking to the family dog...

Don't convince people that smoking pot is going to make your housepets talk. Fools! This is counterproductive, I would smoke weed solely for that purpose if I thought it were possible.

Above the Influence? Seriously?


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Delete: Bridezillas

I don't care that you're getting married and you feel that it is the most important event in the history of mankind. For the rest of the world, you are nothing more than an extremely unpleasant blip on the radar. My BAT MITZVAH was more of a social concern than your marital ceremony.

Your poor husband, I suppose he can plan on never getting another blowjob, Bridezilla the BEAST is not a philanthropist.

Bridezillas, you know who you are, the crazy bitch that screams at the caterers for overcooking the bacon wrapped dates, and the woman who contemplates homicide when the cake is the wrong shade of "ocean breeze" turquoise.

I have an idea, why don't you take that overwhelming self righteousness and marry one of those life-like sex dolls. It's the best of both worlds, not only do you have a husband that will listen to you talk for hours on end, but you can have sex whenever you want and never have to give up the remote control when your favorite episode of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" is on!!!!!!!!


Dinner Rolls: The Karb Worth Killin' For? Delete

This is not a joke: Melvindale, Michigan. 42 year old Ava Maria Gordon is being charged with murder after stabbing her father several times during dinner.

The Reason for the stabbing: Gordon's father was angered when Ava Maria ate a dinner roll that he had been saving for later, DESPITE seeing the note he had left which SPECIFICALLY told her not to eat it, what a disobedient piece of shit!

Ava Maria was found by police, hiding in the woods, and eating the dinner roll like a hungry rat.

The things a girl will do for sustenance these days.

Has anyone seen the Seinfeld episode where Elaine's boss saves the piece of cake from King Edward VIII's wedding in 1937? Unless this dinner roll retained some kind of SERIOUS sentimental value, then this is the most delete death I have ever come into contact with. And trust me, I know a stupid death when I see one.

This one deserves the Darwin Award I believe. I present you with the DINNER ROLL OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!

Delete Blog: An Introduction

Delete: (n.) A person, place, object, or any other conceivable scenario that does not deserve to/probably should not have ever existed.

"Hey Bill, look at that delete couple over there! I hate couples that sit together on the same side of restaurant booths."
"Yeah, seriously man, delete."

"What's that Andrea? He cheated on you with a 61 year old Indonesian transvestite? What a delete."

Delete: (v.) The act of emotionally expressing one's dislike for the noun form of the word. Taking action to physically remove a delete from existence.

"Kelly: 'I think I am in love you guys, he said he might see me AROUND some time! Like maybe he really doesn't hate the fact that I called him 65 times in a fifteen minute period and then climbed into his window naked at 3am!'
Michelle: 'Dude Kelly, he is going to delete you if you keep acting like a stage 5 psycho..'"

I welcome you all to delete blog. A place to share our sentiments about things in life we wish we could instantaneously remove from existence.